Hi all,
If we receive one customer sale order, ERP system might generate several purchase orders for this SO. My understanding is that we could see their relationships through the following tables:
sale_order -> sale_order_line -> procurement_order -> purchase_order
Could anybody help confirm whether my thought are correct or not?
Another question is that for items in sale_order_line, there are products whose procurement_order ID is vacant. Does that mean these products have stock already, and so could ship from stock directly? No need to generate any procurement orders?
A futher question is that when purchase method is make to order, the sale order will create a purchase order same quantity of your sale order (You must define a supplier on product form). This sentence is only correct when the system has generated a procurement order, right? If no procurement order for one sale_order_line record, it won't create any purchase order in the end.
Thanks very much for your input. I am new to OpenERP system. :)
Any help on the question? thanks very much.