Hi, I have created a related field on the custom payroll form and I use odoo 10.
I want to make the name in form (gaji_ids) same based on input field. But, when I enter words in input field, the name in the form (gaji_ids) does not same with word that I enter. Anyone can help me about this? Thanks
Here my code
emp_id = fields.Many2one('karyawan', 'Karyawan')
gaji_ids = fields.One2many('gaji', 'emp_id', 'Gaji')
<page string="Gaji" name="gaji">
<field name="gaji_ids" context="{'default_emp_id':nama}" widget="one2many_list">
<tree editable="bottom">
<field name="emp_id" attrs="{'readonly': [('emp_id', '!=', False)]}"/>
<field name="gaji_pokok"/>
<field name="jumlah_hari_kerja"/>
<field name="jumlah_kerja"/>
<field name="libur"/>
<field name="jam_lembur"/>
<field name="t_lembur"/>
<field name="t_transportasi"/>
<field name="total_pendapatan"/>
didn't get u
I didn't understand your question.
Please specify clearly what you want.
I have solved this problem, thanks