I have a first model with a many2many field map_ids pointing to second model. First i take a particular object with the first model, and then I want to search in the second model for another record with different filter.
def _get_mapped_line_account(self):
for res in self:
map = self.env['acg.map'].search([('id', '=', res.product_id.product_tmpl_id.income_acgmap_id.id)], limit=1)
cg = self.env['res.country.group'].search([('country_ids', 'in', res.invoice_id.partner_shipping_id.country_id.id)], limit=1).id
cg_map = map.map_ids.search([('country_group_id', '=', cg)])
But when I do it, it does not take the previous search, it's just show all objects from the second model with this filter applied . Is this the right way to search a particular record with a different filter(country_group_id) in many2many relation.