this methode to get the product price from the PO , and it works well if the PO have only one record , else i get this error
raise ValueError("Expected singleton: %s" % self)
this is the methode
@api.multi def create_refund_invoice(self): inv_obj = self.env['account.invoice'] for pick in self.filtered(lambda x:x.return_type): type = 'in_refund' if pick.return_type == 'purchase' else 'out_refund' inv_lines = {'type':type, 'partner_id', 'invoice_line_ids':[]} account = pick.return_type == 'sale' and or inv_lines['account_id'] = account inv_lines['origin'] = inv_lines['name'] = pick.origin for line in pick.move_lines: name = line.product_id.partner_ref for rec in self: rec.order_id = line.env['purchase.order'].search([('name', '=', line.origin)]).order_line rec.price = rec.order_id.price_unit inv_lines['invoice_line_ids'] += [(0, None, { 'product_id', 'name':name, 'quantity':line.quantity_done, 'price_unit': rec.price, 'account_id':line.product_id.product_tmpl_id.get_product_accounts()['income'].id})] if inv_lines['invoice_line_ids']: inv_id = inv_obj.create(inv_lines) pick.invoice_id =
any help will be appreciated