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I created a custom module that computes total invoice from each customer or supplier payment voucher. It returns an error whenever I call the report.

QWebException: unexpected EOF while parsing (, line 1)

module: module_pdc


from openerp import fields, api, models, exceptions

from datetime import datetime

from import _

import openerp.addons.decimal_precision as dp

class AccountOutstandingPostDatedCheck(models.Model):

_name = ''

_description = 'Outstanding Receivable'

name = fields.Char(string='Reference No.')

is_customer = fields.Boolean('Customers')

is_supplier = fields.Boolean('Suppliers')

outstanding_pdc_line_ids = fields.One2many('', 'outstanding_line_id', 'Outstanding Receivable Line')


def create(self, values):

sequence_obj = self.env['ir.sequence']

values.update({'name' : sequence_obj.next_by_code('pdc.outstanding.ref')})

return super(AccountOutstandingPostDatedCheck,self).create(values)


def check_outstanding_pdc(self):

customer = self.is_customer

supplier = self.is_supplier

# Create object classes to access records.

account_voucher = self.env['account.voucher']

outstanding_pdc_line_ids = self.env['']

# Clear the list before execution of the main process:

if self.outstanding_pdc_line_ids.ids != []:


#Search the voucher within the selected period

date_today =

date_today = date_today.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")

pdc_vouchers = []

if customer and supplier:

raise exceptions.ValidationError(_('Select only one partner.'))

if not customer and not supplier:

raise exceptions.ValidationError(_('Select one partner.'))

elif customer:

pdc_vouchers =[('post_dated', '=', True), ('state','=','posted'), ('partner_id.customer', '=', True), ('payment_details.type', '=', 'check'), ('payment_details.date_due', '>', date_today)])

elif supplier:

pdc_vouchers =[('post_dated', '=', True), ('state','=','posted'), ('partner_id.supplier', '=', True), ('payment_details.type', '=', 'check'), ('payment_details.date_due', '>', date_today)])

# Loop through each Voucher and collect its Partner Ids.

partners = []

for voucher in pdc_vouchers:

if voucher.partner_id not in partners: partners.append(voucher.partner_id)

receivable = 0.00

envelope = 0.00

pdc = 0.00

for partner in partners:

for pdc_voucher in pdc_vouchers:

if pdc_voucher.partner_id == partner:

for voucher_line in pdc_voucher.line_ids:

receivable += voucher_line.amount_original

if not voucher_line.move_line_id.invoice.reconciled:

envelope += voucher_line.move_line_id.invoice.residual

pdc = receivable - envelope

vals = {

'outstanding_line_id' : self.ids[0],


'receivable': receivable,

'pdc': pdc,

'envelope': envelope


receivable = 0.00

envelope = 0.00

pdc = 0.00


class AccountPostDatedCheckOutstandingLine(models.Model):

_name = ""

_description = "Outstanding Receivable Line"

outstanding_line_id = fields.Many2one('', 'Outstanding Receivable Line')

partner_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner', 'Partner')

receivable = fields.Float('Receivable')

pdc= fields.Float('PDC')

envelope = fields.Float('Envelope')


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>



<template id="outstanding_pdc_header">

<div class="header">

<div class="row" style="text-align:center;">

<div class="col-xs-12">


<h2>Outstanding Receivable</h2>

<t t-if="o.outstanding_pdc_line_ids.partner_id.customer">



<t t-if="o.outstanding_pdc_line_ids.partner_id.supplier">







<template id="outstanding_pdc_footer">

<div class="footer">

<div class="row">

<div class="col-xs-5">

<span t-esc="time.strftime('%A, %B %d, %Y')"/>


<div class="col-xs-3" style="text-right">



<div class="col-xs-1">



<div class="col-xs-3" style="text-right">

Page: <span class="page"/> of <span class="topage"/>


</div> `



<template id="outstanding_pdc_layout">

<t t-call="module_pdc.outstanding_pdc_header"/>

<t t-raw="0"/>

<t t-call="module_pdc.outstanding_pdc_footer"/>





<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>



<template id="report_outstanding_pdc_document">

<t t-call="report.html_container">

<t t-foreach="docs" t-as="o">

<t t-call="module_pdc.outstanding_pdc_layout">

<div class="page">

<table class="table table-condensed">



<th class="col-xs-3">Name</th>

<th class="col-xs-3">Receivable</th>

<th class="col-xs-3">PDC</th>

<th class="col-xs-3">Envelope</th>



<tr t-foreach="o.outstanding_pdc_line_ids" t-as="or">

<td class="col-xs-3">

<span t-field="or.partner_id"/>


<td class="col-xs-3">

<span t-field="or.receivable"/>


<td class="col-xs-3">

<span t-field="or.pdc"/>


<td class="col-xs-3">

<span t-field="or.envelope"/>



<t t-set="rec" t-value="0.00"/>

<t t-foreach="o.outstanding_pdc_line_ids" t-as="r">

<t t-set="rec" t-value="rec+r.receivable"/>


<t t-set="pd" t-value="0.00"/>

<t t-foreach="o.outstanding_pdc_line_ids" t-as="p">

<t t-set="pd" t-value="pd+p.pdc"/>


<t t-set="env" t-value="0.00"/>

<t t-foreach="o.outstanding_pdc_line_ids" t-as="e">

<t t-set="env" t-value="env+e.envelope"/>



<th class="col-xs-3"><strong>Total:</strong></th>

<th class="col-xs-3" t-esc="rec"/>

<th class="col-xs-3" t-esc="pd"/>

<th class="col-xs-3" t-esc="env"/>










Author Best Answer

I found what was the problem in my template.

<tr t-foreach="o.outstanding_pdc_line_ids" t-as="or">

Instead of **or**, I used different name for my one2many field.
