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All my Q-Web reports (invoice, sale order, purchase, etc) are missing the css in pdf export and are all good in html export... Can anyone please help? I am running ubuntu 14.04 and wkhtmltopdf 12.01... Next is a preview of the problem on the left, and the html export with the css tables on the right... 



Hi, I want to reproduce the problem. When export and dialog save file opened. Don't immediately save the file, but check the server in /tmp. There should be some report*.html files. Can you share the files?

Ups, I was wrong, sorry.

Author Best Answer

Ok, its solved. I had 2 diferent problems:


1 - the css must be added directly to the report

2 - The url parameter must have a :8069 at the end


Hope this helps for others.




The second options works for me

Best Answer

The global parameter Theo describes can be found in

Settings > Technical > Parameters > System Parameters

This can only be accessed when in 'debug' mode, add url parameter ?debug after web in your browser address bar.

You have to create a new record with

key:    report.url

value:    http://localhost:8069

Further discussion here..

Best Answer

I want to give my 2 cents on this!

If you are loading your instance in port 80, you should've probably added the iptable record in your system. Then you've tried to print an invoice and everything is screwed. Ok!

Because you've changed the URL we need to say Odoo where are the assets now and because the project doesn't know anything about the iptable record you need to specify where the assets (css) are, so adding the following record to your system global parameters will solve the issue. 

Go to debug mode, either by adding the `?debug` parameter at the end of the URL or clicking in the profile at the top right and then on About. You'll see a popup with a button that says `Activate debug mode`. If you don't see it, you're not logged in as Administrator!

Go to Settings > Parameters > System Parameters

Add the following key/value:

Key: `report.url`

Value: `http://localhost:8069`

Those exact values! localhost is not a placeholder, use that exact same URL!

Try to print an invoice ;)

You're welcome!

Best Answer

Actually if you are sitting behind some kind of proxy (containerized odoo/ngix/squid etc) you need to set a global parameter 'report.url' = 'http://localhost:8069' and it will work like a charm all the time.




you are amazing man! the localhost solved the problem i have been looking to fix for the last 2 weeks!!!

Best Answer

If you imported a database from another domain, it could be that web.base.url​ is set to the old one.

Here's how to update this using psql:

psql -d $LOCAL_DB -c "UPDATE ir_config_parameter SET value = '${NEW_BASE_URL}' WHERE key = 'web.base.url'"
