<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<template id="shrinkage_report_template" inherit_id="shrinkage_monitoring.shrinkage_report_template">
<xpath expr="//table[@class='table-shrinkage']//thead//tr[1]//th[3]" position="after">
<th class="text-upper-text-head">New Column 1</th>
This is my code in inheriting the qweb so that I can add new column in my another custom module, I already added the dependencies , the __init__ and manifest but the new column still doesn't show up. Then i tried to make the class name wrong and it shows up error message that it can't locate the view, it means it can read the file I created but still the new column doesn't apply even how many times I upgrade the module. Why?
it might be becuase of the wrong inherit_id or your xpath expr.
try to add something else like, a field and check if your inheritance works. and from front end please check the file is inherited.
Dear Trainee,
I can already add a row and column then after I upgrade some of my module , the row and column doesn't show up again? What might be the cause?