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14 Replies

When a manufacturing order is generated, you can directly start the manufacturing process and Odoo will pick the raw materials from its warehouse (without waiting any warehouse issue order), then it puts the manufactured products to its warehouse (also without waiting the internal transfer from the “production warehouse” to the “manufactured products warehouse”.
This is not what we want in real life…
Suppose this real scenario, you have a manufacturing company with a warehouse split to these warehouses:

  1. RMWH for the raw material warehouse
  2. ENDPWH for the manufactured products warehouse (End products)
  3. MNFWH for the manufacturing warehouse (real warehouse to control its IN/OUT moves)

Rather than the virtual warehouses such as “the production warehouse”.
The work cycle should be”

  1. The Manufacturing process should wait an internal move to the raw materials from the “raw materials warehouse” RMWH to the manufacturing warehouse MNFWH before starting the process.
  2. When all the raw materials available, you can start the manufacturing order.
  3. Once finished, the warehousemen should do an internal move from the manufacturing warehouse MNFWH to the manufactured products warehouse ENDPWH.

So, how can we force the manufacturing order to wait stock moves between the company warehouses?

Best Answer

Manufactured product ABC, material XYZ, you set:

  1. ABC view, check only Manufacture in Supply Chain Information
  2. MNFWH check Resupply Warehouses RMWH
  3. XYZ view, check Supply Product from RMWH
  4. Route Supply Product from RMWH higher priority then route Buy
  5. In MNFWH for XYZ set pseudo MTO
  6. Create Route with Push rule for ABC, MNFWH->ENDPWH (or Pull rule pseudo MTO in ENDPWH, for transfers to this warehouse)
  7. ABC view, check this route


better description


Thx Zbik for your reply. But bu this method there is no manual control over the receipt orders and the issue orders from the internal warehouses to each other! Am I right?

Each transfer is manually accepted


how to do this manual acceptance?


I really appreciate your effort in answering this question zbik. And I noticed it is an important one too. However there is no documentation about such principle situation in any resource with the needed details. So if anyone can do this detailed reference it will be pretty good.

Best Answer

Check these =>

May helpful to you where setting the pick before manufacture. In your case you want to transfer the goods from another warehouse this may also possibly by pick before manufacture + resupply warehouse.

Best Answer

Did you found the answer you wanted? I'm facing the same problem...

Best Answer

Can you zbik give more details please?

I believe this is a very important question in the warehouse application.

It seems there is no help from this site about such questions!

Author Best Answer

I didn't get your point Zbik.

Can you explain in more details?


Try these settings, then introduce what you're trouble.


I need more details to what you described before...

Answer updated.


really appreciate your help and patience with me in this question, zbik. But it seems that it didn't work with me till now! There are some details you mentioned I still don't see a way to apply it such as the drag and drop (for prioritizing the rules) and applying a reordering rule in the warehouse (still you need a product to apply on this warehouse). I still need your help.

Best Answer

Any detailed answer about this?
