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which the parameters used in the ldap connection when we want to connect to an ldap server zimbra version 8.0.

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parameters required after installing the module with auth_ldap example are:

To get the data connection to the ldap server zimbra zimbra have to connect to the server and enter the zimbra account execute the command:

zimbra @ mail: ~ $ zmlocalconfig -s zimbra_ldap_password ldap_master_url
the result will be something like:
zimbra_ldap_password = thepassword
ldap_master_url = ldap: // server: 389

fields of auth_ldap configuration settings accessed by the menu - companies - edit your company record going into settings.
LDAP Server address: ldap: // server
LDAP Server port: 389
Binddn LDAP: uid = zimbra, cn = admins, cn = zimbra
LDAP password: thepassword
LDAP base: dc = youdomain_zimbra, dc = com
LDAP filter: (& (uid =% s))   for autentication user without @domain or  (& (mail =% s)) for the autetication
Create user: Marked
create a User in the system with the permissions model:
Use TLS: unchecked



if they want to make authentication for the full email use in ldap filter ($ mail =% s))