You can download the whl file for pyhon-ldap 3.4.0 (depend on your python version and system platform 32 or 64) from following site
Python Extension Packages for Windows - Christoph Gohlke ( and then from cmd run the below command:
pip install --only-binary :all: WHL_FILE_PATH
if your python version 3.8 and system 64 the downloaded file name will be python_ldap-3.4.0-cp38-cp38-win_amd64 and if you put it in c drive, you will run the command:
pip install --only-binary :all: "C:\python_ldap-3.4.0-cp38-cp38-win_amd64.whl"
If you installed Odoo using exe, then you can run the commands from the python installed with Odoo and you can find it in the below path (If you installed Odoo 15 or you can change it as per your version):
C:\Program Files (x86)\Odoo 15.0\python\Scripts
cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Odoo 15.0\python\Scripts"
python.exe --version
pip3.exe install --only-binary :all: WHL_FILE_PATH
What version of python you are using?
You get it by open cmd and type python --version.
Is your system platform 64 bit or 32 bit?
Thanks Waleed. It's 64-bit Windows. The Odoo installation has a python folder with what I believe is python 3.7. I downloaded and installed 3.10 (only one officially available for download on the site) and installed python_ldap-3.4.0-cp310-cp310-win_amd64.whl given the instructions you provided in powershell. The install was successful but I am still getting the error message. Am I supposed to import it somewhere?
You need to use the same version used by Odoo so you can run the command form the path of python folder of the Odoo installation.
run the below after change the folders in path as yours:
cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Odoo 13.0\python\Scripts"
then run
python.exe --version
you will get the version and you can download the whl file for the python version:
then from the same above path run
pip3.exe install --only-binary :all: WHL_FILE_PATH
Thanks Waleed. I removed the version 3.10, but the pip command was giving an error looking for path that didn't exist: "Fatal error in launcher: Unable to create process using '"c:\odoobuild\winpy64\python-3.7.7.amd64\python.exe"". I reinstalled the 3.7.7 as that was the version in the Odoo folder, and copied the installed pip files over to the Odoo folder. From there the pip install command you provided worked and I was able to genable it without error.
Thanks again!