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7 Replies


I'm looking for the field quantity on hand from the warehouse  in my Odoo Database. I searched in a lot  of table and i can't find it .

I would like to select  this field on my SQL query.

Is someone can help me to find this data.

Thank you.


Which Odoo version? Do you mean the product quantity on hand from the product? Please add more info / context..

Author Best Answer

I'm using Odoo version 7. Pgadmin 4 to read the database. 

yes, The quantity on hand from product. this is the available quantity in the warehouse found in the menu wharehouse --> products and the tab inventory.

the inscription in  developer mode is :

Field : qty_available

object : product.product

type : float

Modifiers :{"readonly":true}

 in the table product_product, the field qty_available doesn't exist.


to Pat answer :

thank you pat, if i can get it through a sql query what should i write? "SELECT qty_available FROM product_product" can't work.

Sorry i can't write an other answer, so i edit , this one...

Thank you for your help , but i'm a beginner and i don't know where i can find the files python and how to modify it.

By the way, i found a solution using the table stock_move,  and subtract the entries with the issues , it result the quantity in hand.

Thank you for your help.

Dear Paulo, 

I used 2 queries, made the query easier :

query 1 (entry):

SELECT product_id, Sum(product_qty)

FROM stock_move W

WHERE (location_dest_id=12)

GROUP BY product_id;

query 2 (issue): 

SELECT product_id, Sum(product_qty)

FROM stock_move

WHERE view_src_location Like '12'

GROUP BY product_id;

And via excel subtract the entry with issues.

It's working but there are some movement on the DB who are not in Odoo interface who create some qty mistake.

I know it's not the best way to do, but as a beginner it's all i found according my knowledge.

I'll appreciate if you can add +1 to my answer to raise my karma to 8 to be able to comment in the right place in the forum.


Usually, we didn't require to get data through sql query except in some special scenarios.

you can get data by doing something like this:

product_obj = self.pool.get('product.product')

pids =, uid, [('id','=','1')], context=context)

Best Answer

qty_available is computed field and it's readonly, so it will not available on DB.

To get an idea you can check compute function how there are getting value.

I hope your problem will solve after checking qty_available compute function

Best Answer

I'm using Power BI connected to Odoo v11. I've found what seems to be the correct on hand quantity for each of our products by using the sum of "remaining_qty" from stock_move.

Best Answer

Do you have an SQL Query that works to have this value?

I try this but the second query give me an error because it says

WHERE view_src_location Like '12' 

and view_src_location don´t exist

Best Answer

Hello Florian,
Quantity on hand = qty_available (technical name)
Model: product.product

This field is inherited in stock module in
NOTE: As this is compute field, an instance of it will not available in the database table, you will be able to directly get it in through your sql query.
