I'm new in python code.
'source': fields.many2one('sources.sources', 'Source', required=True),
When i select a option in this field, i want to save the id of the value in below field.
'source_value' :
What is the python code for getting the id?
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I'm new in python code.
'source': fields.many2one('sources.sources', 'Source', required=True),
When i select a option in this field, i want to save the id of the value in below field.
'source_value' :
What is the python code for getting the id?
If you are displaying both fields in the xml view, you can define an on_change function in the field source_value
so that on selecting a source its id can be taken from the on_change function.
The model is
class test_test(osv.osv):
'source': fields.many2one('sources.sources', 'Source', required=True),
'source_value' : fields.integer('Source Value'),
def onchange_source(self, cr, uid, ids, source):
if source:
v['source_value']= source_obj.id
return {'value': v}
and xml view is
<record id="view_test_form" model="ir.ui.view">
<field name="name">test.test.form</field>
<field name="model">test.test</field>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<form string="Test" version="7.0">
<group colspan="4" col="4">
<field name="source" on_change="onchange_source(source)"/>
<field name="source_value"/>
The id is save in 'source' field. You want to save the id twice ?
@Gopakumar N G. I want id source_value for writing select query in python code. ie, Select cost from cost_table where source=source_value. How can i write select query with this source_value? Please explain.
You can do that with something like that :
my_object = self.browse(cr, uid, object_id)
cost_obj = self.pool.get('cost.table')
cost_ids = cost_obj.search(cr,uid,[('source','=',my_object.source.id)])[0]
My requirement little different Sven. Can u help me?
Try to take the id from database if sources.sources
contains unique names for each record.
How can i get it? Please specify the code.
@rosey Do you want to display the field source_value
in xml view?
@rosey I can't help you more for the moment because i don't have a good understanding of your need.
Can you explain your requirements ?
@Gopakumar N G. I want id source_value for writing select query in python code. ie, Select cost from cost_table where source=source_value. How can i write select query with this source_value? Please explain.
@rosey Why are using sql queries in OpenERP, use ORM methods instead. Check the answer below.
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Here my question is, do you want to save it to the database when you select the option or you just want it to display when an option is selected?