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Hi Dears

When we activate Use pricelists to adapt your price per customers form sales configuration page.
The following assumption is required:

the user must select product (when he create sales order line) from pricelist item model not product.product

Can anyone guide me to custom add-on which execute this assumption? 

Best Answer

That's not correct. The Pricelists are not only used with product.product. You could use it with product.template and product.category. The sale.order is the responsible for validate if the pricelist apply or not to the sale.order.line products when calculating the price_unit for the sale.order.line. You could create a dynamic domain that could filter products on the sale.order.line based in all the pricelist version elements but also it's not correct because only one pricelist version element is selected when computing the price_unit and is the one that best matches to the sale.order.line in terms of (product, qty, sale date and sequence of the pricelist version element, min and max margin specified that also could be based on another pricelist). So you could filter for all the products that matches the pricelist final target products(not an easy task) but it's not recommended.

Only my opinion


I second that. And I have to confess that I even do not understand what the purpose of such an illogical idea should be.


The Business wise from price list feature is 1-It give someone access to create sale/purchase price list, and prevent another to change price unit in sale/purchase order line. 2-Assigning price list to partner means -- this partner will deal with me only in price list array (products, prices) 3-The dynamic filter which you want me to create, must be created automatically based on my selection(product, template, category) when i build price list. Odoo pricelist engine is very good but need more to achieve these goals.

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