Hi, using Community v12 (nightly), go to:
Sales --> Create (quote or purchase order)
In the "Order Lines" tab, click "Configure a product"
Type in a product name which has variants configured
Select your variations
Click "Add"
The product is added to the "Order Lines" with the right price for whatever variant(s) you've selected, but there is no way to identify which variants those are. (i.e. "Sweater, Large, Red")
Only the main product name is shown. (i.e. "Sweater")
Thus, you'll never be able to properly fulfill the Purchase Order!
How do you actually identify *what* the variation(s) of a product are?
This is the same for either the Quotation or the Purchase Order.
Yes, the products basically look like that. But none of the attribute values show on the Quote or PO, so I don't know which variants are picked in the "Configure a Product" dialog box that comes up.
Any thoughts how to carry it through?
(Wow, you can't make a thread and comment on someone's answer to continue the conversation, without "karma points", and you can only post 1 answer yourself, so you can' t actually carry on the discussion at all! What a shitty forum system!)