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I created some number of products (give sale price and purchase cost to them). But my problem is in the sale order when i select the product the price of the product is not appeared in the unit price coloum..

Best Answer

What do you mean with 'not appearing in the unit price column'?

Do you get some price in the price column, or do you get nothing in the column?

What happens when you press the save button? Do you get a price?

Have you added/modified something regarding pricelists? Because if they are misconfigured, it can cause weird behaviour.


price is not appears on the unit price coloum. when pressing the save button nothing will happends the total coloum will remains 0.00. Sir i modified pricelists. in order to undo the changes in the pricelist what should i do.


thanks for your answer... Sir i corrected the configuration now it work fine..

You're welcome. Is it possible to quickly tell what has been misconfigured? So other people know where to look if they have the same issue.


i created a new pricelist in that i selected the other pricelist instead of public price.