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I'm trying to export about 180.000 products from odoo to csv but unfortunately it stops after about 30 seconds and says: "An error occurred Please use the copy button to report the error to your support service."

Unfortunately, the error message itself is not shown, also when you click the copy button there is no message.

Log file only gives 

2018-11-26 10:15:22,152 1178 INFO XXX werkzeug: - - [26/Nov/2018 10:15:22] "POST /web/export/namelist HTTP/1.0" 200 -

2018-11-26 10:15:23,509 1178 DEBUG XXX odoo.modules.registry: Multiprocess signaling check: [Registry - 77 -> 77] [Cache - 8399 -> 8399]

2018-11-26 10:15:27,363 1178 DEBUG ? odoo.service.server: cron0 polling for jobs

2018-11-26 10:15:28,361 1178 DEBUG ? odoo.service.server: cron1 polling for jobs

2018-11-26 10:16:02,427 1178 INFO XXX werkzeug: - - [26/Nov/2018 10:16:02] "POST /longpolling/poll HTTP/1.0" 200 -

2018-11-26 10:16:02,769 1178 DEBUG XXX odoo.modules.registry: Multiprocess signaling check: [Registry - 77 -> 77] [Cache - 8399 -> 8399]

2018-11-26 10:16:27,484 1178 DEBUG ? odoo.service.server: cron0 polling for jobs

2018-11-26 10:16:29,422 1178 DEBUG ? odoo.service.server: cron1 polling for jobs

2018-11-26 10:16:52,884 1178 INFO XXX werkzeug: - - [26/Nov/2018 10:16:52] "POST /longpolling/poll HTTP/1.0" 200 -

2018-11-26 10:16:52,950 1178 DEBUG XXX odoo.modules.registry: Multiprocess signaling check: [Registry - 77 -> 77] [Cache - 8399 -> 8399]

Already set log-level to debug.

This is my configuration:

csv_internal_sep = ,

data_dir = /var/lib/odoo/.local/share/Odoo

db_host = False

db_maxconn = 64

db_name = False

db_password = False

db_port = False

db_sslmode = prefer

db_template = template1

db_user = odoo

dbfilter = 

demo = {}

email_from = False

geoip_database = /usr/share/GeoIP/GeoLite2-City.mmdb

http_enable = True

http_interface = 

http_port = 8069

import_partial = 

limit_memory_hard = 2684354560

limit_memory_soft = 2147483648

limit_request = 8192

limit_time_cpu = 3000

limit_time_real = 3000

limit_time_real_cron = -1

list_db = True

log_db = False

log_db_level = warning

log_handler = :DEBUG

log_level = debug

logfile = /var/log/odoo/odoo-server.log

logrotate = False

longpolling_port = 8072

max_cron_threads = 2

osv_memory_age_limit = 1.0

osv_memory_count_limit = False

pg_path = None

pidfile = None

proxy_mode = False

reportgz = False

server_wide_modules = web

smtp_password = False

smtp_port = 25

smtp_server = localhost

smtp_ssl = False

smtp_user = False

syslog = False

test_commit = False

test_enable = False

test_file = False

test_report_directory = False

translate_modules = ['all']

unaccent = False

without_demo = False

workers = 0

Any idea what the problem may be? 
I guess its about php timeouts or so.
