when a purchase order is generated automaticly from Sale order in MTO rule. it is possible to have the production description in purchase line instead of the product name ?
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For that you will need to customize the default _run_buy function.
Try to rewrite _run_buy function like below.
from collections import defaultdict
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
from itertools import groupby
from odoo import api, fields, models, SUPERUSER_ID, _
from odoo.addons.stock.models.stock_rule import ProcurementException
class StockRule(models.Model):
_inherit = 'stock.rule'
def _run_buy(self, procurements):
""" passing manually entered product description when route is
make_to_order """
procurements_by_po_domain = defaultdict(list)
errors = []
for procurement, rule in procurements:
# Get the schedule date in order to find a valid seller
procurement_date_planned = fields.Datetime.from_string(
schedule_date = (procurement_date_planned - relativedelta(
supplier = False
if procurement.values.get('supplierinfo_id'):
supplier = procurement.values['supplierinfo_id']
supplier = procurement.product_id.with_company(
# Fall back on a supplier for which no price may be defined.
# Not ideal, but better than blocking the user.
supplier = supplier or procurement.product_id._prepare_sellers(
s: not s.company_id or s.company_id == procurement.company_id
if not supplier:
msg = _(
'There is no matching vendor price to generate the purchase'
'order for product %s (no vendor defined, minimum quantity'
'not reached, dates not valid, ...). Go on the product form'
'and complete the list of vendors.') % (
errors.append((procurement, msg))
partner = supplier.name
# we put `supplier_info` in values for extensibility purposes
procurement.values['supplier'] = supplier
procurement.values['propagate_cancel'] = rule.propagate_cancel
domain = rule._make_po_get_domain(procurement.company_id,
procurement.values, partner)
procurements_by_po_domain[domain].append((procurement, rule))
if errors:
raise ProcurementException(errors)
for domain, procurements_rules in procurements_by_po_domain.items():
# Get the procurements for the current domain.
# Get the rules for the current domain. Their only use is to create
# the PO if it does not exist.
procurements, rules = zip(*procurements_rules)
# Get the set of procurement origin for the current domain.
origins = set([p.origin for p in procurements])
# Check if a PO exists for the current domain.
po = self.env['purchase.order'].sudo().search(
[dom for dom in domain], limit=1)
company_id = procurements[0].company_id
if not po:
# We need a rule to generate the PO. However the rule generated
# the same domain for PO and the _prepare_purchase_order method
# should only uses the common rules's fields.
vals = rules[0]._prepare_purchase_order(company_id, origins,
[p.values for p in
# The company_id is the same for all procurements since
# _make_po_get_domain add the company in the domain.
# We use SUPERUSER_ID since we don't want the current user to
# be follower of the PO.
# Indeed, the current user may be a user without access to
# Purchase, or even be a portal user.
po = self.env['purchase.order'].with_company(
# If a purchase order is found, adapt its `origin` field.
if po.origin:
missing_origins = origins - set(po.origin.split(', '))
if missing_origins:
po.write({'origin': po.origin + ', ' + ', '.join(
po.write({'origin': ', '.join(origins)})
procurements_to_merge = self._get_procurements_to_merge(
procurements = self._merge_procurements(procurements_to_merge)
po_lines_by_product = {}
grouped_po_lines = groupby(po.order_line.filtered(lambda
l: not l.display_type and l.product_uom == l.product_id.uom_po_id).sorted(
lambda l: l.product_id.id), key=lambda l: l.product_id.id)
for product, po_lines in grouped_po_lines:
po_lines_by_product[product] = self.env[
po_line_values = []
for procurement in procurements:
org_values = self.env['sale.order'].search(
[('name', '=', procurement.origin)])
for org in org_values.order_line:
description = org.name
po_lines = po_lines_by_product.get(
po_line = po_lines._find_candidate(*procurement)
if po_line:
# If the procurement can be merge in an existing line.
# Directly write the new values on it.
vals = self._update_purchase_order_line(
procurement.product_qty, procurement.product_uom,
procurement.values, po_line)
# If it does not exist a PO line for current procurement.
# Generate the create values for it and add it to a list
# in order to create it in batch.
partner = procurement.values['supplier'].name
test = self.env[
procurement.product_id, procurement.product_qty,
procurement.product_uom, procurement.company_id,
procurement.values, po)
test.update({'name': procurement.values.get(
po_line_values.append(test) self.env['purchase.order.line'].sudo().create(po_line_values)
Thank you but it's true in the case of changing the field manually. I must have the value of sales.order.line.name in the field of purchase.order.line.name when the PO is generated automaticly in MTO rule (Make to Order).
make use of Mital Vaghani answer and use _run_buy method that is in defined in stock.rule
You can write as following :
Odoo v12
class StockRule(modeles.Model) :
_inherit = "stock.rule"
def _prepare_purchase_order_line(self, product_id, product_qty, product_uom, values, po, partner):
res = super(StockRule, self)._prepare_purchase_order_line(product_id, product_qty, product_uom, values, po, supplier)
res['name'] = "write as per your requirement"
return res
When we create purchase order the product the description field contain the product name+internal reference+Description for Vendors .you can change this or you can change the description by overriding the on change function of product.
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