Odoo online, v12, Studio
I need to show product related attirbute values on Sales order lines.
I have one product - Shirt
with 2 attributes with 2 values each.
Product "Shirt"
Attribute1 "Size" Values "XL" and "S"
Attribute2 "Color" Values "Balck" and "White"
That generates one product with 4 variants
I want to add custom columns to Sales order lines so that when the product are sold their corresponding attributes are shown on Sales order lines as in a table below
Product Attribute 1 Attribute 2
Shirt Xl Black
Shirt S White
I have tried to add a related field, but I can make only one column, that shows the first attribute not the second
I have created a related field on Sales Order Line module with value.
It shows the value on first Attribute, but how to show the value of second Attrubute in a separate field?
Can you help me to achive this customization with Odoo studio?