Hello there :)
since recently we have a weird phenomenon when it comes to entering vendor prises on the product page. When I make a new entry and want to choose the variant, Odoo used to show me only the variants belonging to this product template. But now it shows me all variants of all our products.
The weird thing is, that I checked an older instance on our Odoo.sh, where it still works. I compared the settings but found no differences.
Can it be that I've overlooked something or do we have a bug?
Please if the product variant has the below domain which filter only the variant of the opened product.
domain="[('product_tmpl_id', '=?', context.get('default_product_tmpl_id', False))]
You can enable developer mode and then set the mouse pointer on product variant name in the table header and you will see the domain set to the above one.
Tanks @Waleed Mohsen. You are right. I've compared it to Odoo in runbot and mine is different. It says: "['company_id', 'in', [company_id, False])]". How do I change it?
What is the Odoo version you are using?
Odoo 14 Enterprise (sorry for forgetting to mention it).
Please go to settings and see the version number.