Hi everyone.
My client has an Odoo v11 EE instance with Sparkpost (previous partner configured it) and Gmail. It stoped working recently showing this error message: (534, b'5.7.9 Application-specific password required. Learn more at\n5.7.9 https://support.google.com/mail/?p=InvalidSecondFactor bq36-20020a05620a46a400b006b929a56a2bsm10586464qkb.3 - gsmtp')
I created an application specific password in Google. But, as the smtp is configured with Sparkpost, I guess this password has to be set in the Sparkpost account. I have searched into Sparkpost and I can't find a place where this value is configured.
I'm wondering if this is possible. The only configuration I can see is authorization of the domain via DNS. Seeing this I wonder ¿is it possible to set application specific password of Google into Sparkpost? ¿how?
Thank you a lot in advance.