I'm running Odoo v8, and recently ran into some troubles with printing orders/invoices/packing slips/what more have you. Two months back I've modified the external headers/footers to display our logo's, and it has been printing correctly until yesterday. The .pdf files printed do not display any content whatsoever.
As said, I've modified the external header/footer in Settings -> User Interface -> Views -> external_layout_header and external_layout_footer. If I remove or rename the div class="header"/"footer" respectively, I can print pdf's again, however without the content of the header/footer.
Server log doesn't show any wkhtmltopdf errors, and as said, everything has been working until yesterday and since then no apperent changes have been made.
Would like some help to isolate/resolve this issue. Thanks!
What is the effect if you change Report Type = HTML in Settings/Reports/Reports?
wkhtmltopdf version?
wkhtmltopdf --version wkhtmltopdf 0.12.1 (with patched qt) Setting report type to HTML prints the entire report. There are some formatting f*ck ups however, but everything is there...
I tried putting back a back-up of the entire server. The back-up allows me to print the invoices again correctly, but if I make modifications to the settings and log-in/log-out the whole hassle starts again...
Try original footer and header, probably issue in your code.
Thought that would solve it as well, so replaced it with the originals I grabbed from https://github.com/odoo/odoo/blob/b74d830eb299c6d672c58f3b53410dde37608a5f/addons/report/views/layouts.xml Rebooted, logged-out and logged-in and still marvelous blank pages :-( Apart from being blank, it still shows a file size of about 4kB?
problem with access to javascript, one js flile?
Not that I'm aware of, how can I check?
chown -R odoo.odoo ADDONS_DIR
You have customized js or css?
I chowned /opt/odoo/addons and rebooted with no results. I had edited the css of the website module a while back. Would it be worth trying uninstalling the website builder, and re-install it with a fresh version from github?
I think not, this module should not be linked to invoices. Can compare versions and so look for the cause, step by step? I can not help you more :(
PS. you test other browser
PS1 ... and enable debugger in browser
Thanks for your help. I removed the website modules and it didn't do a thing. I also tried different browsers with the debugger enabled, all show normal calls to wkhtmltopdf with a 200 OK response. I guess I'm going to re-install the entire thing tomorrow, there's something weird going on here...
I think I managed to resolve it. Iptables was reconfigured to reroute port 80 to 8069. Therefore the interface was accessed on port 80, which seems to have caused the problem. Changed back to old-spool port 8069, and it prints again...