I made a wizard that prints a report from a button. It works well and only uses the backend.
Wizard code :
class SmlPrintProductLabelWizard(models.TransientModel):
_name = 'print.product.label.wizard'
nb_printing = fields.Integer()
def print_product_label(self):
if (self.nb_printing >= 0):
return self.env.ref('colona_custo.action_report_product_label').report_action([], data={'stock_move_line_id': self.env.context.get('active_id'), 'nb_printing': self.nb_printing})
raise UserError("The number of printing is incorrect.")
Now, I would like to do the same, but from a button in the barcode interface, so from a button written in a static xml file.
I created my button, added an event on it with some JavaScript that calls another backend function designed to print a report :
The backend function :
def print_product_label_from_js(self, nb_printing=1, move_line_id=34):
return self.env.ref('colona_custo.action_report_product_label').report_action([], data={'stock_move_line_id': int(move_line_id), 'nb_printing': int(nb_printing)})
I can see that my script calls the right function, if I print something in my "print_product_label_from_js", it will appear in the console.
The problem :
Even if my function seems to be called and print something in the console, the report still not load.
I tested my python function independently by calling it from the backend, and the report is loaded there.
JavaScript script :
odoo.define("colona_custo.print_product_label", function(require) {
"use strict";
var rpc = require("web.rpc");
function call_print_function(nb_printing, move_line_id)
model: 'print.product.label.wizard',
method: 'print_product_label_from_js',
args: [[], nb_printing, move_line_id]
function print_product_label()
var move_line_id = $(this).next().text();
// Asking the user how many times he wants to print the label.
$(document.body).append("")How many times do you want to print the product label?
$('#close_popup_printing').on('click', function() {
$('#action_print').on('click', function() {
var nb_printing = $('#user_entry').val();
if (nb_printing > 0) {
call_print_function(nb_printing, move_line_id);
$(document).on('click', '.o_button_print_product_label', print_product_label)
The function that calls the backend is call_print_function, and my console.log appears.
Can someone tell me why my report doesn't load?
Thank you,