Hi Roger Escola Belarte,
As per our understanding, You need to Print 2 report base on the selected Boolean field in the Invoices
If you are selected Multiple Invoices then also based on the selected Boolean field your report is print.
So Can you please try to directly add a condition on the report when calling Invoice Report?
Like please find following condition on xml:
<template id="report_invoice">
<t t-call="web.html_container">
<t t-foreach="docs" t-as="o">
<t t-set="lang" t-value="o.invoice_user_id.sudo().lang if o.type in ('in_invoice', 'in_refund') else o.partner_id.lang"/>
<t t-if="o.boolean_field">
<t t-call="account.report_invoice_document" t-lang="lang"/>
<t t-if="not o.boolean_field">
<t t-call="account.report_invoice_document_another_report" t-lang="lang"/>
Email: odoo@aktivsoftware.com
Skype: kalpeshmaheshwari