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2 Replies

Q1) Is there a way to prepopulate a many2one field when a new object is being created. e.g. Attributes of a product may be pre-defined. Whenever the user opens a form to create a product, some of those attributes are added by default. 

Q2) Is there a way to pre-set some fields of an object (without setting them as default values in the model) while opening a form. e.g. if i want to create multiple types of product through multiple menu actions. I want different forms for these menu actions to have different values of product type preset.

Best Answer

To pre-set the values for fields in the New Form, then there are two ways of doing it...

1. Using defaults in .py model

2. In XML., using context passed from action...

So for your criteria, (Q2), since you have different forms and different menu actions linked to it, you can easily achieve it by set default values in context...

Here code goes like this....

<record model="ir.actions.act_window" id="ACTION_ID">
         <field name="context">{'default_type':'out_invoice'}</field>


So key word "default_" followed by column and its value, will pre-set the values



Thanks. Will Try Q2.

Best Answer

Is there another solution?
