Hi everyone, I ask for your help ... Initially I installed Odoo 12.0 and installed the module for the theme on Odoo 12.0, but there were some errors. Finally, I intend to uninstall Odoo 12.0 and install Odoo 13.0. But I remember Odoo 12.0 and PostgreSQL for Odoo 12.0 which can be stopped / started / restarted in Windows Services (Local), I stopped PostgreSQL and it occurred to me that maybe I could install Odoo 13.0 by stopping Odoo 12.0 and PostgreSQL for Odoo 12.0 at Windows Services (Local). After I tried to install Odoo 13.0 and it was successful, when I run localhost: 8069, the internal server error and Odoo can't run.
finally I uninstalled Odoo 12.0 and deleted the folder and its files, but when I ran localhost: 8069, the internal server still had an error and Odoo couldn't run. I also uninstalled PostgreSQL and deleted the folder and its files. but Odoo still has an error, finally I also uninstalled Odoo 13.0 and I tried from the beginning. I also took the initiative to make sure everything was back to normal and restarted Windows, after restarting I opened the Control Panel, Services (Local) Windows, and Explorer Browser. Everything I uninstalled was not left, but PostgreSQL_For_Odoo - PostgreSQL Server 9.5 is still on Windows Services (Local) and has a stoped status. I also tried to install Odoo 13.0 from scratch but after it was finished and running localhost: 8069, the internal server was still an error and Odoo could not run. I am looking at PostgreSQL_For_Odoo - PostgreSQL Server 9.5 which is on Services (Local) Windows> Properties> Path to executable: "C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Odoo 12.0 \ PostgreSQL \ bin \ pg_ctl.exe" runservice. I thought PostgreSQL was for Odoo version 12.0 and finally I installed Odoo 12.0 again, but after I installed Odoo 12.0 again and ran localhost: 8069, the internal server was still error and Odoo could not run.
Help me!!! and I really need Odoo for me in a presentation to the company to get a job!, please ...
Hello Hafiz,
I have a feeling it is because you need two different databases for your systems. This caused me an issue when trying to get v13 and v14 to work on the same windows system, but I could be wrong.
At server->odoo.log in the Odoo directory, you should be able to see your error logs. Could you print out the most recent error please?