Hi Folks,
Using version 8.0
I have a chart of accounts with a fairly deep hierarchy. the profit and loss reports (report_financial) renders these levels properly, except for the last level. As an example, consider the following heirarchy:
Profit / Loss
-----Hardware - Admin
On the profit and loss report, it should render like this:
Profit / Loss
Hardware - Admin
But instead renders like this:
Profit / Loss
Hardware - Admin
Note, "Hardware" and "Hardware - Admin" are on the same level.
When I check the report_financial template, I noticed that this indenting is achieved with:
<span style="color: white;" t-esc="'..' * a.get('level', 0)"/>
Or, '..' per level, coloured white
I next checked the level value in the database for these accounts, and I found this:
4 - Equipment
5 - Hardware
6 - Hardware - Admin
So, I then modified the template to add:
<span t-att-style="style" t-esc="a.get('level')"/>
Or, output the level number
What I found is this:
5 - Equipment
6 - Hardware
6 - Hardware - Admin
Even though "Hardware" and "Hardware - Admin" have different level values, the same level value outputs when the report it rendered.
So, is this a bug, or am I doing something wrong?