There is a way in odoo v8 to show the percentages in the graph view, for example, if I filter a model by sex, that I can see 80% women and 20% men, and if I apply another filter such as age> 43, keep the result in porcent, currently only graphics me the sum of the values filtered.
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The thing is that the results to render graph view is tied to the use of read_group method using the group_operator argument of the field definition that by default is sum when you don't define the group_operator. That field argument only works with aggregated functions in postgresql and percent is not an aggregated function for postgresql.
You could do it by overriding the read_group method of the graph view model to manually change the field value for the result. Like:
def read_group(self, cr, uid, domain, fields, groupby, offset=0, limit=None, context=None, orderby=False, lazy=True):
read_group_res = super(your_model self).read_group(cr, uid, domain, fields, groupby, offset=offset, limit=limit, context=context, orderby=orderby, lazy=lazy)
for res in read_group_res:
domain_filter = res.get('__domain', [])
line_ids =, uid, domain_filter, context=context)
if line_ids:
res_id = self.browse(cr, uid, line_ids[0], context=context)
res['results'] = res_id.results
return read_group_re
As the docstring of the read_group methods states:
:return: list of dictionaries(one dictionary for each record) containing:
* the values of fields grouped by the fields in ``groupby`` argument
* __domain: list of tuples specifying the search criteria
* __context: dictionary with argument like ``groupby``
Use this example to build your own solution based on your needs
Why don't you write about the 'graph view model'? I don't find a model who has 'graph' in the name...
it's not a model, it's a js view classes that implements the graph views behaviors
My override of read_group method works now in the stock.quant model. I can see log of the variable and the returned dictionnary.
To display percentage instead/with the qty, do I have to create a new field in the model?
Should we instead modify the 'qty' in the dictionnary?
Do you know other urls that could show a complete example of displaying percentage on pie graph?
You could see this complete example
You could modify the qty value but better create another field because it's a field that it's used for a lot of calculations and perhaps you could be altering results in some ways as read_group is not just used for graph views, just create another field
Ibra thanks very much for your answer but the problem is that i need see the porcentage related whit all my models in a graph view, for example if i have 5 employees, 3 male and 2 female when i filter for sex in my graph view for hr_employee model i wan to see the result of all my models in porcent, not the quantity like by default odoo work.
Hello Oscar,
you can use a widget called progressbar for this :
<field name="your_field" widget="progressbar"/>
to show the percentages, your field should be computed.
example : add the percentage of taken seats
you .py :
seat = fields.Integer(string="Number of seats")
attendees_ids = fields.Many2many('res.partner', string="Attendees")
taken_seats = fields.Float(string="Taken seats", compute='_taken_seats')
then you add the decorator depends because taken seats depends on both seats and attendees
@api.depends('seat', 'attendees_ids')
def _taken_seats(self):
for r in self:
if not
r.taken_seats = 0.0
r.taken_seats = 100.0*len(r.attendees_ids)/
your .xml :
<field name= "taken_seats" widget="progressbar"/>
this is a simple example on how to dislay percentage. Try to work on your own example with the same logic and tell us if it works.
Best regards.
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