My new module require to inform user about some things like stock levels, quantities etc. I can of course display it on screen but i would like to have it as a popup instead to make sure that the user is seeing it and react on this information.
For example if stock level is LOW message will popup "Hey you, do you know that your stock level is almost zero ? ;)" or something :)
If it's only on the screen among many other can be easily overlooked but if message popup, user must click to close it so I can record this information and if something will be wrong and for example order will not created I will know who is responsible for this mess ;)
I was trying to use warnings but warning stops all processes and roll them back. How to create popup message using other solution ?
Have some ideas but i'm not sure will it work.
def popup_method(...........):
return {
'name': _(some name),
'view_type': 'form',
"view_mode": 'form',
'res_model': model-name,
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'target': 'new',
and call it conditionally. What do you think guys ?