Hi everyone, I have a issue with some TicketScreen override method.
I override _getSearchFields to add another search field for orders (Orders button on the POS) like this:
odoo.define('MY_CUSTOME_MODULE.TicketScreen', function (require) {
'use strict';
const TicketScreen = require('point_of_sale.TicketScreen');
const Registries = require('point_of_sale.Registries');
const CustomTicketScreen = (TicketScreen) =>
class extends TicketScreen {
_getSearchFields() {
const fields = super._getSearchFields(...arguments);
fields.CUSTOMER_ID = {
repr: (order) => order.get_client_id(),
displayName: this.env._t('Customer ID'),
modelField: 'partner_id.id',
return fields;
Registries.Component.extend(TicketScreen, CustomTicketScreen);
return TicketScreen;
This works well because when I want to search for an order, I can choose the new field I added.
Now when I try to see all the order search fields from the payment screen, I only have access to the basic fields added by Odoo, the new field I added is not appearing. The override of the method I did earlier is not invoked here :
odoo.define('MY_CUSTOME_MODULE.PaymentScreen', function (require) {
'use strict';
const PaymentScreen = require('point_of_sale.PaymentScreen');
const Registries = require('point_of_sale.Registries');
const TicketScreen = require('point_of_sale.TicketScreen');
const CustomPaymentMethod = (PaymentScreen) =>
class extends PaymentScreen {
constructor() {
var super_ticket_screen_model = new TicketScreen();
console.log("All search fields :", super_ticket_screen_model._getSearchFields()); // Here, I don't see new seach field i add
Registries.Component.extend(PaymentScreen, CustomPaymentMethod);
return PaymentScreen;
Did I miss something or did I do something wrong?
Thanks in advance.