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3 Replies

I get this error Uncaught Error: QuotaExceededError: DOM Exception 22 when opening the POS web module. I have figured out it is to do with the number of products being opened but do not know how to resolve as ultimately we sell many products and this will not change. This error was received on chrome but I have also tested in Mozilla Firefox and get this error NS_ERROR_DOM_QUOTA_REACHED: Persistent storage maximum size reached. I am using v6.1 and what I believe is the latest version of POS module. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Best Answer

on firefox:

  • open tab and navigate to about:config
  • accept warning
  • search for
  • increase its value (by default its 5120, check for example with 51200)
Best Answer

there is problem with localstorage as chrome gives you upto 5mb localstorage. And if you have not more products than check the size of images. Secondly if there is no any issue of images than you have to increase your localstorage.

The following link may be useful to you . ""

Best Answer


I don't know about V6.1 but with v7.0 here is the comment Inside the db.js file about data storage capacity

/* PosLS is a localstorage based implementation of the point of sale database. * FIXME: The Products definitions and categories are stored on the locastorage even tough they're * always reloaded at launch. This could induce a slowdown because the data needs to be reparsed from * JSON before each operation. If you have a huge amount of products (around 25000) it can also * blow the 5.0MB localstorage limit. */

Products are stored while launching the POS. You can go with 25000 products. Is it your case ?

Best regards


We have just short of 2000 products so not a huge amount by any means. How can I fix this? Thanks in advance.


Could my image sizes be too big, they were imported from an existing db and are normally 400 x 400px min. Is there a standard size recommended for images in OpenERP? I have been trying to find this out but no luck yet. Thanks