When I want to register the payment of a reimbursement of expenses, the following error appears:
Validation Error: "Payments with companies must be created from payment groups."
Expense recorded in a journal that does not use documents, to be reimbursed to the employee. The error is thrown with any means of payment...
Does anyone have an idea of what could be happening or how to fix this?
We have Odoo 14 Community edition, ¿maybe we need the Enterprise Edition to have this working without that error?
Thanks in advanced!!
Sorry for my bad english, my language is Spanish.
God bless!!
Log file, fragment:
2022-06-01 15:58:47,765 28297 WARNING test_01062022 odoo.http: Los pagos con empresas deben crearse desde grupos de pagos.
Hi, Please check the Odoo log file in your server for more details about the error and you can add it to your question.