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2 Replies

I have an admin user and i created a new user log in to create and confirm the sales quotation. I logged in from that new user account but couldn't create any quotation. It generates an error.

"Access Denied

The requested operation cannot be completed due to security restrictions. Please contact your system administrator.

(Document type: Partner, Operation: read) ""

Best Answer


Make sure that you have given sufficient access rights Partner object for newly created user.

There is a record rule, which shows the records of the user's company or child company of that specific user based on access rights. You can find record rules (menu: Settings/Technical/Security/Record Rules) for Sale Order object(Sale Order MultiCompanies, Personal Orders , All Orders).


Do I have to make them global? In my one only Sale Order MultiCompanies is global.


In my one only ale Order MultiCompanies is global. DO I NEED TO MAKE Personal Orders , All Orders GLOBAL as well.

What do you want exactly? User belongs to companyA can confirm orders for all companies? Or only orders of child companies of companyA and companyA?


only orders of child companies of companyA and companyA

You don't need to do anything with record rule. Customer of Sales Order might belongs to different company and User has access rights of read Partner of CompanyA and child company of CompanyA. Would you please check the customer belongs to which company? That might solve your issue.


That was the exact issue. THANKS NEHAL !!!!!!!!

Best Answer


try to give him an access right to Sales...

go to Settings->Users->Users then choose the user, and from the Access Rights tab make him a manager to the Sales application

I hope this could help



I have another user for the same database (who belongs to another company) who can create and confirm sales quotations. I duplicated that user and just changed the company. But I couldn't do anything. Access denied error came.

There is a record rule, which shows the records of the user's company or child company of that specific user based on access rights.


Please help me with that record rule