If I create a new field in an order and then a related field in the picking form like this:
class sale_order(osv.osv): """Add comments""" _inherit = 'sale.order' _columns = { 'comments': fields.text('Notas internas'), } class stock_picking(osv.osv): _inherit = "stock.picking" _columns = { 'comments': fields.text(related='sale_id.comments', store=True), }
When I confirm the order and the stock picking is created the field comments on the picking order is empty.
But if I modify it afterwards it gets updated. Any idea why it does not get updated / set on creation?
Thank you!
can you pls check the stock.picking Form Additional Info tab "Procurement Group" field data is generated?.. If value is generated then related field comment value display.
Hi Prakash, I don't fully understand your answer can you elaborate a little bit more? Also, do you know where is the code that generates the stock picking from the sale order? Thank you very much!
pls check the sale_stock.py file _get_sale_id function. https://github.com/odoo/odoo/blob/8.0/addons/sale_stock/sale_stock.py