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I'm new to odoo and I'd like to know how could I configure permission of visibility and access to only two custom apps developed through Studio.. All other apps (Employees, Invoicing, Appointments, Web, etc) should remain installed on the branch but invisible and untouchable for some users (or group of users). I haven't been able to apply successfully these restrictions yet. I'd appreciate the help!


Best Answer

Hi Felipe,

The good part is that you can do this all by default with Odoo and Odoo studio. The security configuration of the default apps can be done from the users under Settings > Users & companies > Users. Configure the user so he/she has rights to the (default) apps you'd like. An example for a user James who has only rights on sales and subscriptions:

The second part, setting security on your custom apps is a little more difficult. First create your apps with Studio and when it is done go to the tab "Access Controls" in Odoo studio. For every model you have here you will need to create security rules to say which users can - or cannot - access items. For example:

In this example only users that are within the group "Sales / Manager" will be able to see, write, create and delete on the menu item "test_model". Users with the right "Sales / User: All documents"  (as configured on the user in this example) will only be able to see items on this new menuitem. If the user does not have one of these two rights he will not see the menu and will not be able to do anything with it. Sadly Odoo Studio has no functionality right now to choose to hide a whole app for specific users types so you will need to make your own rules for every menu item.


Author Best Answer

Hello Yenthe.

First of all, thanks for your detailed answer. In order to try your suggestions out I created 2 fictional users (Marie Curie and Isaac Newton)

My results:

  • Under Settings > Users & companies > Users. I left all Application Accesses in blank ( I don’t want them to see any original Odoo app) Despite that configuration, both users are able to see almost all apps that are installed on the branch. “Apps” and “Settings” went away though.
  • My custom apps -made using Studio. are named "Capacitacion" and "Dots". In order to apply what you said I tried to create a group for those apps, but they were never found. I was unable to fill The field “Application”

  • Why is it that both users can still see almost all installed apps and I am not able to find my custom apps on the Group configuration view? Am I still doing something wrong?

ps: I had some screenshot to show better the result I was getting but the reply never went through with the images

Best Answer

I try answer with my experiences in Community Edition (C.E) Version of odoo,,

In Odoo C.E,,  the menu can be accessed/visible by active user if:
- The group of user granted in menu (Settings->Technical->User Interface->Menu Item ->Access Right (Groups))
- Active user has granted by Access Rights (ir.model.access) to accessing the model object

So in my opinion,, why after you leave blank all user application access in User menu but still user can access the menu its caused by the user has granted on access right or menu access right.. You should check access right menu and check the granted user group on the model.

On odoo Enterprise Edition as a far i know the group rules and access right system/flow was similiar with at odoo Community Version


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