Hi Guys,
I have a procedures that read a text file and write to Importlog.txt the mispelled words to it.
Once done, it immediately download to client downloads folders. Its work fine in my local computer. But in my linode hosted server, i have permission error.
File "/opt/odoo12/odoo-custom-addons/hr_zk_attendance_pyzk/models/zk_machine.py", line 230, in import_device_employees # file_obj = open('Importlog.txt', 'w') PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'Importlog.txt'
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------In my /etc/systemd/system/odoo12.service
Description = Odoo12
Requires = postgresql.service
After = network.target postgresql.service
Type = simple
SyslogIdentifier = odoo12
PermissionsStartOnly = true
User = odoo12
Group = odoo12
ExecStart = / opt / odoo12 / odoo-venv / bin / python3 / opt / odoo12 / odoo / odoo-bin -c /etc/odoo12.conf
StandardOutput = journal + console
i access my hosted server by google chrome via url:
Question: when i run this code: file_obj = open('Importlog.txt', 'w') in cloud server where does it writes? what directory should i change the permission?
Please help!
Hope for your kindness,
God Bless