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I am trying to build my own PDF Export for a Pivot View using a Wizard in Odoo 13. I tried to follow this Tutorial (for Odoo 12): 
and got stuck.

In my Wizard, I have a method _get report(), defining the data to be reportedn and then calling 

self.env.ref('module.feature_report').report_action(self, data)

In the Wizard's view, I defined the report 

<report id="module.feature_report"

And there is also an abstract class ReportView called

_name = 'report.module.feature_report_view'

Now when I try to start the odoo server and update the module, I get an AssertionError: The ID "module.feature_report" refers to an uninstalled module.

I googled the error and found this:

So I tried to replace the . with a _ in all 3 files (module_feature_report) and I was able to start the odoo server. But when I try to report, I get the following Error: ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 1)
and found this solution:
whicht leads to the first Error again...

Can anyone help me?
