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2 Replies

we face a big problem here 

we have to generate monthly over 500 pay slips to all of our employee we can't find any way to send those pay slips or download it or do any thing

all we can do is get to every pay slip one by one then download it and send it or print it individually

and this is a nightmare we could spend whole month do this

we searched everywhere in the documentation and in everything else we can't find how to solve this problem

we need to work in bulks send it or download it or any thing

we even try to buy a model from the library but also it doesn't work 

hope you can help us here


thanks but we are online

Best Answer

Hi Ahmed,

You can add the functionality to send an email with the payslip attached upon confirming the payslip, or you can use third-party modules like

Author Best Answer

Please it's urgent matter 

any help please


Hi Ahmed,
If you are having any developers, There is a possibility to create a server action for mail sending. So that the option will appear in the tree view. You can select all the payslips at once and trigger the email.


Thank you so much for your replay i will try this option