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2 Replies

Dear  all,

We would like to use overtime in our pay slips. We had therefore created the overtime line in other entries with the code HEURSUPP. We would like to recover the information entered in this field in order to add it to the net payable

Thank you for your help

Best Answer

Assuming that your HEURSUPP is a work entry type that you've added, you can create a new payroll rule for this work entry type to show up on pay slips. You'll most likely want to set it up with a Python Expression condition like this:

result = 'HEURSUPP' in worked_days and worked_days['HEURSUPP'] > 0

You can use something like the following for the Python condition:

OVERTIME_MULTIPLIER = 1.5  # Or whatever you need
result = worked_days['HEURSUPP'] * OVERTIME_MULTIPLIER * contract.hourly_wage

You'll of course need to configure the other fields to meet your needs. Specifically, take care when choosing the category so that the result is added appropriately to the gross pay if that's where you want it.

Author Best Answer

Thank you lot of for your help
