Hi everyone,
I've been struggling with this all day. I have the Paypal acquirer all setup. It goes smoothly, returns to the customer portal and says the payment was accepted. But it never applies to the SO.
I've been following this bug, and all related links found within, and have tried the solutions listed in there without avail: https://github.com/odoo/odoo/issues/768#issuecomment-215951673
That is, I've tried:
-setting 'return url' in paypal to https://website.com/shop/confirmation
-checked that my web.base.url matches the above URL's, and added the freeze url option as well
-setting language encoding to UTF-8
-adding/removing merchant ID from the payment acquirer in Odoo
The Paypal transactions show up as "Done" in "Payment Transactions" but just won't apply to the SO still.
Or so I don't think so, where would an SO be marked as paid anyways, if there is no invoice created?
Edit: I also noticed that if I go into Account->Dashboard->Customer Invoices->More->Payments Matching and reconcile various payments, they still aren't applied to the invoices.
The question in your 'edit' is not related to the main question. You should create a new question for it with more details.