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 I installed the accounting module which allows for payment acquirers to be set up. I set up my paypal account following the guidelines from this link: \https\:\/\/www\.odoo\.com\/documentation\/user\/12\.0\/ecommerce\/shopper_experience\/paypal\.html\\\

I\ already\ configured\ paypal\ and\ odoo\ and\ I\ can\ make\ payments\ when\ I\ send\ a\ quote\ to\ my\ customers\.\ they\ get\ the\ link\ to\ the\ order\ in\ the\ customer\ portal\ and\ there\,\ they\ can\ chose\ paypal\ as\ the\ payment\ method\.\\

Then\ they\ are\ able\ to\ pay\ from\ paypal\ and\ it\ works\.\ The\ issue\ is\ that\ after\ the\ payment\,\ when\ they\ are\ redirected\ they\ are\ returned\ with\ the\ wrong\ URL\.\ The\ URL\ is\ \:\\

\http\:\/\/localhost\:8069\/payment\/paypal\/dpn\/\?amt\=1\.16\&cc\=MXN\&cm\=\{\%22return_url\%22\%3A\ \%22\%2Fpayment\%2Fprocess\%22\}\&item_name\=IDW\ Innovation\ Studio\%3A\ SO118\-1\&item_number\=SO118\-1\&st\=Completed\&tx\=07600540TC4292804\\\

If\ I\ change\ \http\:\/\/localhost\:8069\\ to\ \ \ , then it actually works and the payment is received. 

I don´t know what to do in order for it not to show localhost instead of Is that a system parameter I have to create or something?


Can you try to use a readable format?

Did you check the value of the web.base.url system parameter?

I am having the same issue. My web.base.url is correct ( I cannot find a solution to this problem. Any help?