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Struggling with this concept... It appears that there is no built in support for specifying a payment method on a sales order.. We were only able to see a payment method after going through to pay an invoice. This seems strange. Can someone confirm this?



Best Answer


I dont see the need of payment method on a sales order. Can you explain why do you need it?  I beleive one needs a payment method once the payment needs to be done. Payment method is an accounitng journal specifying the customer is paying by cash, or bank (U may have several bank accounts as several journals). 


Hi, Thanks for the response. To us this is bizarre because most other ERP/Order Management/Ecommerce software has this standard. Take a look at any of them. Also it is strange to not have a payment method model, and instead use an accounting journal. We think the current design is convoluted. OpenERP is the only software we have seen that manages payment this way. an ecommerce order has payment specified up front. Example: If you checkout online and choose check/money order you are stating in advance what the method will be without paying. Further: When looking up transactions, customer service needs to know from the sales order view all the information about the order. If the agent has to click and click to see relevant details about an order, it increases the time it takes to service the sale/customer. A CS agent should have the ability to refund an order without having an accountant level permission, another US standard.

Hi, I understood your needs. Open ERP has many disadvantages in many aspects, but what I am doing, is that I am customizing the modules. So I don't think there is much to develop: You need to add payment method field to sales order which will be linked then to the payment method in invoice. Even more: You can develop a new object: Payment methods(as u wish) and assign them to the specific journal(s). I believe it is a one day work for a web developer.