We are using Odoo 15 CE.
We are facing a strange issue, at the time of payment on the checkout page, for some reason, there is a lot of delay before I get the payment confirmation. When I checked the logs it gets hold on the following highlighted lines ;
2021-12-31 02:33:27,591 2689 INFO odoo15 odoo.addons.razorpay_payment.models.payment: Validated Razorpay payment for tx S00008: set as done
2021-12-31 02:33:27,606 2689 INFO odoo15 odoo.addons.razorpay_payment.models.payment: Received unrecognized status for Razorpay payment S00008: captured, set as error
2021-12-31 02:33:27,606 2689 WARNING odoo15 odoo.addons.payment.models.payment_transaction: tried to write tx state with illegal value (ref: S00008, previous state done, target state: error, expected previous state to be in: ('draft', 'pending', 'authorized'))
2021-12-31 02:33:27,609 2689 INFO odoo15 werkzeug: - - [31/Dec/2021 02:33:27] "POST /payment/razorpay/capture HTTP/1.0" 200 - 19 0.010 0.954
2021-12-31 02:33:27,755 2689 INFO odoo15 werkzeug: - - [31/Dec/2021 02:33:27] "GET /payment/status HTTP/1.0" 200 - 32 0.016 0.027
2021-12-31 02:33:27,954 2689 INFO odoo15 werkzeug: - - [31/Dec/2021 02:33:27] "GET /web/webclient/qweb/1640918007710?bundle=web.assets_frontend HTTP/1.0" 200 - 12 0.003 0.024
2021-12-31 02:33:28,045 2689 INFO odoo15 werkzeug: - - [31/Dec/2021 02:33:28] "POST /web/dataset/call_kw/ HTTP/1.0" 200 - 6 0.003 0.006
2021-12-31 02:33:28,090 2689 INFO odoo15 odoo.http: called ignoring args
2021-12-31 02:33:28,148 2689 INFO odoo15 werkzeug: - - [31/Dec/2021 02:33:28] "POST /web/dataset/call_kw/ HTTP/1.0" 200 - 6 0.021 0.006
2021-12-31 02:33:28,225 2689 INFO odoo15 werkzeug: - - [31/Dec/2021 02:33:28] "POST /web/dataset/call_kw/web_tour.tour/get_consumed_tours HTTP/1.0" 200 - 2 0.001 0.008 --->It gets stuck at this point. At the frontend I get the statement " We are processing your payment.please wait"
2021-12-31 02:36:29,363 2689 WARNING odoo15 odoo.addons.base.models.ir_actions_report: wkhtmltopdf: b'Exit with code 1 due to network error: TimeoutError\n' ----> Here it shows a network error but everything seems normal at the frontend. The time difference of the wait is almost three minutes.
2021-12-31 02:36:29,364 2689 INFO odoo15 odoo.addons.base.models.ir_actions_report: The PDF report has been generated for model: sale.order, records [8].
2021-12-31 02:36:29,617 2689 INFO odoo15 werkzeug: - - [31/Dec/2021 02:36:29] "POST /payment/status/poll HTTP/1.0" 200 - 272 0.115 181.414
2021-12-31 02:36:29,702 2689 INFO odoo15 werkzeug: - - [31/Dec/2021 02:36:29] "GET /shop/payment/validate HTTP/1.0" 303 - 10 0.003 0.008
2021-12-31 02:36:29,821 2689 INFO odoo15 werkzeug: - - [31/Dec/2021 02:36:29] "GET /shop/confirmation HTTP/1.0" 200 - 49 0.024 0.044
2021-12-31 02:36:30,030 2689 INFO odoo15 werkzeug: - - [31/Dec/2021 02:36:30] "GET /web/webclient/qweb/1640918189779?bundle=web.assets_frontend HTTP/1.0" 200 - 12 0.003 0.031
2021-12-31 02:36:30,122 2689 INFO odoo15 werkzeug: - - [31/Dec/2021 02:36:30] "POST /shop/payment/get_status/8 HTTP/1.0" 200 - 13 0.005 0.010
2021-12-31 02:36:30,180 2689 INFO odoo15 werkzeug: - - [31/Dec/2021 02:36:30] "POST /web/dataset/call_kw/ HTTP/1.0" 200 - 6 0.003 0.007
2021-12-31 02:36:30,267 2689 INFO odoo15 werkzeug: - - [31/Dec/2021 02:36:30] "POST /web/dataset/call_kw/ HTTP/1.0" 200 - 6 0.003 0.006
2021-12-31 02:37:03,941 2689 INFO odoo15 werkzeug: - - [31/Dec/2021 02:37:03] "POST /web/dataset/call_kw/web_tour.tour/get_consumed_tours HTTP/1.0" 200 - 2 0.001 0.004
Any help/guidance will be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance...