I'm trying to pass data to my custom model field of POS Order Line, but I'm getting the error: "can't adapt type 'dict'". I'm assuming I have to enter only an ID value to the field but then how do I add new data to it?
class Special(models.Model):_name = 'example_module.special'text = fields.Char('Text')class PosOrderLine(models.Model):_inherit = 'pos.order.line'special = fields.Many2one('example_module.special', 'Special')
models.Orderline = models.Orderline.extend({export_as_JSON: function () {var orderline = _super_orderline.export_as_JSON.call(this);if(this.product.is_special) {orderline.special = [0, false, {text: 'SPECIAL!!11'}];}return orderline;},});