Hello, I am trying to pass in values from some fields in a wizard that I created. I am using the context dictionary in the xml file to pass the value of the field, but when I use the context variable in the .py file, then it doesnt get the value that I passed in. Its like its not finding the key name that Im giving it on the xml form.
Here is an example in the xml file:
<field name="amount" context="{'amount_val': amount}"/>
Here is an example in the .py file:
def make_payment(self, cr, uid, vals, context=None):
amount = context.get('amount_val', 1.00)
When I enter an amount of 100.00 in the wizard, all that it gets is the default value 1.00. So I was wondering what I am doing wrong here? Thank you
What exactly are you trying to do?
When is make_payment called? Using the context as attribute in the xml tag will only pass the context to the field amount, when you change/create it.
you can use