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Hello everyone, 

I'm working on a module to allow printing more than one barcode label for each product. The idea is that the user opens a wizard from the action menu when viewing a product / product template. That wizard has a field to set the number of labels to print. And then a pdf report should be generated showing that labels. 

Well, I've got the first part. The wizard appears asking for the number of labels, but then I really don't know how to pass the product info together with the number of labels to print. 

And what I'm trying only gives me an error (TypeError: product.template is not JSON serializable) so far. 

So this is my wizard:

class Wizard(models.TransientModel):
    _name = "labels.wizard" labels_number = fields.Integer("Labels to print", required=True)

     def print_report(self):
            product = self.env['product.template'].browse(self._context.get('active_ids'))

            labels_to_print = self.labels_number

             docs = {product, labels_to_print}

            return self.env['report'].get_action(self, 'mymodule.report_report_product_all_labels', docs)

And this is my report template (for testing I'm just trying to print the number of labels from the previous step, not the label. Once I can access to the number of labels I think I'll be able to complete the rest by myself):

<template id="report_report_product_all_labels">
 <t t-call="report.html_container">
         <t t-foreach="docs" t-as="product">
            <div class="page">

                <span t-field="product.labels_to_print"/>





I have the feeling that the XML part is completely wrong - but I'm really struggling with the Odoo API here, specially with all these XML logic that I can't debug (which is driving me crazy). I've taken at the docs but couldn't figure out how to do this, and after searching for a while all the results I've found are either incomplete or using the old API. 

So... Can anybody help?

Thank you!

Best Answer

Hi David,

I think following code will help you to print bar-code for products.

class PrintBarcodeWizard(models.Model):
    _name = 'wizard.barcode'

    print_qty = fields.Integer("No of Copies", default=1)   
    product_name = fields.Char(invisible=True)   
    product_barcode = fields.Char(invisible=True)

    @api.multi    def print_report1(self):
        context = self._context        obj = self.env['stock.pack.operation'].search([('id', '=', context.get('product_id'))])                self.product_name =       
        self.product_barcode = obj.product_id.barcode           
        if obj.product_id.barcode:
            return self.env['report'].get_action(self, 'print_barcode.report_barcode')           
            raise Warning((_("Please set barcode for the product %s") %

You can write button definition as follow

<button name="%(wizard_barcode_act)d" string="Print" type="action" class="oe_highlight"                

Then you can write template as follow,

        <template id="report_simple_label">        
            <t t-call="report.html_container">               
                <div class="page">                   
                    <div class="col-xs-4" style="padding:0;">                       
                        <t t-foreach="docs" t-as="obj">                           
                            <table style="border-spacing:0;margin-bottom:0;height:122px;" class="table">                               
                                <tr style="width: 1in;">                                       
                                    <td style="border: 2px solid black;text-align: center; vertical-align: middle;" colspan="2" class="col-xs-5">                                           
                                        <span t-esc="obj.product_name"/>                                           
                                        <img t-att-src="'/report/barcode/?type=%s&amp;value=%s&amp;width=%s&amp;height=%s' % ('Code128', obj.product_barcode, 600, 100)" style="width:300px;height:50px"/>                                       
        <template id="report_barcode">           
            <t t-foreach="docs" t-as="o">               
                <t t-foreach="range(0, o.print_qty)" t-as="i">                   
                    <t t-call="print_barcode.report_simple_label"/>               
        <report id="action_print_barcode" model="wizard.barcode" report_type="qweb-pdf" string="Barcode" name="print_barcode.report_barcode" file="print_barcode.report_barcode"/>   


Hello Jesni, thank you for your reply.

I'm trying to implement this solution but I still have an issue: the name="%(wizard_barcode_act)d" on the button- how should be the referenced labels_wizard_act?

I currently have one act_windows to show the button under the Actions menu but I guess this should be a different one.

Thank you.