I have 3 models:
model_b.py :
time_b = fields.Datetime("Your time", default=fields.Date.today)
#get value from module planning
role_b = fields.Many2one("planning.role", "Your role")
o_2_m = fields.One2many('model.a', 'keya')
state = fields.Selection([
('draf', 'DRAF'),
('confirm', 'CONFIRMED'),
(cancel', 'CANCEL'),
model_a.py :
employee_id = fields.Many2one('hr.employee', 'Employee')
keya = fields.Many2one('model.b')
name = fields.Many2one('hr.employee', 'Employee')
time_c = fields.Datetime('Your time')
role_c = fields.Many2one('planning.role', 'Your role)
XML of model_c.py :
<record id="model_c_tree_view" model="ir.ui.view">
<field name="name">model.c.tree.view</field>
<field name="model">model.c</field>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<field name="name"/>
<field name="role_c"/>
<field name="time_c"/>
I want to pass all values selected of the field: 'employee_id' of model_a.py in the o_2_m field, and field 'role_b' and 'time_b' of model_b.py to the list view of model_c.py via the wizard button.
I created the method of model_b.py like this:
def confirm(self):
for rec in self:
if rec.o_2_m:
for line in rec.o_2_m:
bc = self.env["model.c"].search([])
if bc:
bc['name'] = line.employee_id.id
bc['role_c'] = self.role_b
bc['time_c'] = self.time_b
rec.state = "confirmed"
return True
After click on the "Add a line" link in the o_2_m tree view, and selected records of model_a.py and selected value for two fields of in the form view of model_b.py, and click the 'confirm' button... It still not work!
Please help!
Thank you!