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2 Replies

My Supplier Invoicing Rule is : Based on Incoming Shipments.

I created a Purchase Order for a Stock Item with Qty 10, Price 1400. So Value = 14000. I Confirmed the Order and Approved It.

Now in the Receive Products i put 5 Qty (Partial receiption). I completed the Transfer.

I go to the Incoming Shipments window and can see the 5 received quantity. But here i have 3 issues.

(1) Create Invoice button is not appearing in Incoming shipments window.

(2) From the multi record view of Incoming Shipment i choose this record. Click on More -> Create draft Invoice it gives me error "None of these picking lists require invoicing."

(3) When i simulate this issue on runbot it generates an invoice but not for the partial but for the full PO Quantity (10 here).



Best Answer

Check that the picking you are trying to invoice is for what is received not the backorder. Standard process in the case of a partial receipt is for the back-order picking to be displayed instead of the original picking. So you have to close that picking and re-open the originating receipt to process the invoice. I know..bloody ridiculous...

Author Best Answer

Thanks for your reply kevin. But customer not accepting. Waiting for any further resolution on this from odoo, in case this is a known bug.
