I created some extra filters in my webshop. These filters are checkboxes. For example, a visitor should be able to filter on multiple categories at the same time.
After selecting a category, the user is redirected to a new URL with in the URL the parameters so that it will end up like this:
http://localhost:8069/shop?filter_categories[]=2& filter_categories[]=4
When filtering the products, I can catch these parameters and do my thing with it:
filterCategories = request.httprequest.args.getlist('filter_categories[]') or []
But the product pager doesn't see this as an array, and generates the url only with one filter_categories parameters, resulting in this new url:
I've looked into the portal controller, the pager-function:
def pager(url, total, page=1, step=30, scope=5, url_args=None):
And indeed, the urg_args only contain the first filter_categories[]=2 and not the filter_categories[]=4 parameter.
Any direction to a solution would be nice.