If anyone had the same problem, please give me the solution. It doesn't work line breaks.
All rows in the table are moved to page 2.
I have consulted the answers on the same topic, it doesn't seem to work for me
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If anyone had the same problem, please give me the solution. It doesn't work line breaks.
All rows in the table are moved to page 2.
I have consulted the answers on the same topic, it doesn't seem to work for me
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<t t-set="counter" t-value="1"/>
<t t-set="total_product_unit" t-value="0"/>
<tr t-foreach="record.order_line" t-as="line">
<td class="text-dark text-center border border-dark">
<span t-esc="counter"/>
<td class="text-dark border border-dark">
<span t-field="line.product_id.name"/>
<td class="text-dark text-right border border-dark">
<span t-field="line.product_uom_qty"/>
<span t-field="line.product_id.uom_name"/>
<td class="text-dark text-right border border-dark">
<span t-field="line.price_unit" t-options="{"widget": "float", "precision": 0}"/>
<td class="text-dark text-right border border-dark bg-white" t-foreach="data_tax.keys()" t-as="tax_item">
<t t-if="data_tax[tax_item]['data'].get(line.id)">
<t t-esc="data_tax[tax_item]['data'][line.id]" t-options="{"widget": "float", "precision": 0}"/>
<t t-set="counter" t-value="counter + 1"/>
<t t-set="total_product_unit" t-value="total_product_unit + line.product_uom_qty"/>
<t t-if = "counter%10 == 0">
<p style="page-break-before:always;"> </p>
Please refer the below forum https://www.odoo.com/forum/help-1/help-on-adding-page-break-on-qweb-reports-where-to-put-the-tag-172051
Hope it helps