Trying to override browse().
Documentation reading, watching examples. I came to this:
class aTest(models.Model):
_name = 'a.test'
_description = 'test'
name = fields.Char( size=20, required=True, index=True,)
discr = fields.Char( size=30, required=False, index=True,)
def browse(self, cr, uid, arg, context=None): recs = super(aTest, self).browse(cr, uid, arg, context=context)
if not recs._context.get('skip_update'):
# TypeError: update() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given)
return recs
def browse(self, arg):
# TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable
recs = super(aTest, self).browse(arg)
if not recs._context.get('skip_update'):
return recs
Please tell me, what went wrong, fix it.
Please add examples - for odoo writing recently.
The errors I noted in the code comments.